Website welcome

For the past 30 years I have been studying people’s life chances and life projects and, in publishing this work, I have become more and more aware of how these studies only reach particular audiences.

Basically, the studies are only accessible to those in the USA and Europe who can afford to buy, often expensive, books. It seems to me that the Internet can break open new lines of both communication and written work to new and hitherto inaccessible audiences.

This, above all, is the intention of this website. The book selections, talks, papers and interviews are here to be accessed freely, by all audience types from all locations. And, should you have any questions or observations, you can always contact us.

Read more of the website welcome here.

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New Website!
We are currently in the process of re-developing the Ivor Goodson website. Please check back during the next few days for exclusive, free new content...